Thursday, August 7, 2008

Money Money Money Money, Money!

Until now, I never realized how little money I spend when I'm at Carleton. Honestly, we rarely go out to eat, I go to the grocery store to buy breakfast food and a few snacks once a week, and everything else I need is included in simply being there.

Here I kind of feel like if I'm not in class learning Hebrew for multiple hours or in my room doing hours of homework for hebrew, I'm spending money. At the gym, for a membership, at the store, for groceries and other necessities, for dinner and snacks and office supplies. oy. I take too much for granted.

Thus I have decided that we need an apartment meeting this weekend- I'm going to make a reminder on a post it and put it on our fridge. I already promised my roommates we could have a snack and color during our meeting- study break, anyone? I think we're going to talk about making meals and budgeting, and, of course, traveling.

I'm on some kind of high right now- it might be the endorphins or the fact that I am online, both of which I don't think I've experienced for a few days. Also, have I mentioned that I can see the old city on my walk to class every day?

Expect another post tomorrow- and pictures this weekend!


Anonymous said...

ahh yay i can't wait for pictures! also, way to turn into an RA for your apartment :)

i love you abby, i can't believe you are in awesome.


Judy Bao said...

Seriously. Way to be an RA for your apartment. =) What's this business of being a TA in the winter? Is that only if you don't get offered an RA position? Israel sounds amazing so far! I miss you already.

Anonymous said...

you don't spend money at carleton?