Monday, August 4, 2008


"Carries a lot of suitcases
but all of them are empty
because she's expecting
to completely fill them
with life by the end of this trip

& then she'll come home
& sort everything out
& do it all again"

- Veteran Traveller from Traveling Light by Brian Andreas

Alright, so this is not exactly the case for me. I'm not bringing anything close to an empty suitcase, and I'm definitely not traveling light, but I still liked this quote.

I hate packing- I'm a stuff person. Stuff people and Airline luggage restrictions do not go together well. But I'll be fine.

Jill just came over to say goodbye and told me about the questioning she went through when she went to Israel for birthright. Turns out I need to know my Rabbi's name, my bat mitzvah Torah portion, and what the most recent Jewish Holiday was... hm.

I'll use this blog in the beginning to give lots of information on how to get in touch with me, should you be so inclined. I'll also try to post some interesting stories from Israel once I get there.

Stay tuned!