Monday, September 8, 2008

Travel Plans!

We're now in week 5 of Ulpan and, to be honest, I think we're all about ready to be done. It's pretty exhausting.

The most exciting thing about this past week has been finalizing plans for traveling in the end of september/october. Here's my itinerary:
- Thursday September 25th is our last day of Ulpan. We have a final exam that day until 1pm. The we'll go home, pack, party, whatever, and at 7am on Friday we'll leave Tel Aviv for Vienna, Austria.
- We'll spend the weekend in Vienna touring around and staying at a really cool looking Hostel then on Monday afternoon we'll leave and fly to Copenhagen. We'll be there monday night, tuesday, and wednesday (which is perfect because Chuck and Lynsey- and the rest of DIS don't have classes on wednesdays) and on thursday morning we fly out to Paris.
- We'll spend the weekend in Paris and fly back on sunday morning.

Here's where the month gets interesting:
-We fly in on October 5th and have our first classes on the 6th and 7th. Then we are off on the 8th and 9th for Yom Kippur. Then it's the weekend.
- We have classes on sunday the 12th and then we are off from the 13th-the 23rd for Sukkot.
- My dad flies in on sunday the 12th and will chill in Jerusalem for a day or so.
- On monday we'll drive down to Petra in Jordan and see the sights there for a day
- On tuesday night we'll fly to Cairo and tour around there.
- On friday we'll board a nile cruise until sunday/monday then fly back to Tel Aviv!

I'm so excited. No wonder I can't wait for Ulpan to be over...


Ira said...

Tough life - wanna trade?

Anonymous said...

Sounds AWESOME! I'm jealous of your trip to Cairo and cruise on the Nile - that will be so cool. Actually.. the only place I've been among that list is Vienna - beautiful city though. Good luck with everything working out right!

And just so you know, I still expect you to come and visit me in Scotland before I graduate! :)